Justice 4 You
We are campaigning to eradicate racial inequality in education. We want to see schools across the UK diversify their curriculum so that it is reflective of their student body and to take more action to prevent and deal with racist incidents.
Take Action
Use our template to ask your MP to take action to eradicate racism in education. Personalise it for maximum impact.
Share you experiences of racism in education or to let us know that racism is not present in your school / college / uni.
We have surveyed over 200 of our peers and taken to the streets to ask young people about their experiences of racism in education.
Read our response to the the Government's Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities. We provide evidence on the need to diversify the history curriculum. Following this Call for Evidence the Government has issued guidance that promotes diversifying the History Curriculum :)
We made two submission's to the Runnymede Trust's report on behalf of civil society organisations about the UK Government's implementation of the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racism. One about the curriculum and one about hate crime.